26 Aug 2016

Going The Second Mile

In September 2015 we decided to move into a retirement village at Rothwell so made moves to sell our house at 13 John St, Redcliffe. After meeting with different real estate agents we had resolved to ask Heather Murray of Jan Jones real Estate to handle the sale for us. However a few days into the cooling off period we decided to stay put so never implemented the plan. We were most reluctant to quit our delightful sopt only 400metres from Suttons Beach.

A few months later after David was diognosed withMND we were forced to accept the fact that we needed to be in full care and the most logical place for that was in Sydney.Hence we contacted Heather again. She was most obliging and helpful and had a buyer on the day we moved out. However that buyer withdrew his offer and we had to go back to square one.

Then disaster struck. When Heather went to show another buyer our house she discovered a serious leak had occurred in the upstairs toilet. There was a lot of damage downstairs. All we can say is we were glad Heather was our agent as we were 1000klm away. Heather had all the repair work organised for us without any complaints, got the place sold and we are forever grateful for her kindness.

David and Shirley Judd John St, Redcliffe